- 测试有道:微软测试技术心得
- 梁博 许珊 徐歆恺编著
- 4622字
- 2025-02-25 08:38:00
· 要将在某一关键领域发展一门专长(这门专长必须是自己所热衷的)作为一个长期目标。做自己有兴趣的工作,会让我们热爱工作从而进步神速。
· 随着对某个领域理解的不断深入,会越来越对这个领域感兴趣,因为最熟悉这个领域,我们有不容置辩的话语权,从而会越做越顺。要达到这种深度,需要时间,这不是一蹴而就的。
· 不断提高专业水平,每天都要有所成长。
· 有目的地选择最合适的项目和环境来帮助自己成长,在这个环境中提高技能、执行计划、端正态度。有很多人抱怨说不是他们选择工作,而是工作选择他们。笔者并不这样认为。笔者认为有些人在参加工作或面试之前完全不做任何准备,他们对自己的未来没有任何计划,对要去面试的工作甚至一无所知,甚至不能够静下心来认真研究一下对方,不能事先做足功课。那他们当然不能选择工作。但是,在做了积极的准备后,那就是我们在挑选工作了!还要记住,永远不要去乞求和要求!同时要认识到,没有一件事情是别人“理所应当”应该给我们的,别人也没有必要“照顾”我们的感受,我们不应该接受施舍。
· 长期计划需要短期的里程碑,每个阶段的成长都要做好总结。
· 给自己设定一个有挑战性的目标并且努力去达到目标。在去找工作和规划自己的人生的时候要无比自信,这时候可以认为这个世界就是我们的(这个世界是你们的,也是我们的,但归根到底会是那帮孙子的)。微软公司教育自己的员工,每个人的潜力都是无限的。要敢想、敢做、肯做。
· 享受工作。
· 在工作、生活、家庭和兴趣爱好上有平衡。
· 定期修正、重新评估对计划的执行情况,从而对长远目标有所修正。
· 完成最初的承诺的过程会非常愉快,但是困难重重。很多人都有很好的想法、伟大的想法,但是他们不能实施,因为他们缺乏纪律、细节计划、对执行的不断跟进。这会为他们的职业生涯发展投下巨大的阴影。
· 不能一开始拍胸脯说“可以做”但是最终没有做成,否则人们以后就再也不会相信我们了。
· 学会设定优先级。我们手头会同时有很多件事情,要先做最重要的。
· 计划。非常有耐心地计划每一个细节,能够保证一贯的成功。
· 技术技能。抓住每一个项目的机会去尽可能多地提升技术水平(开发技能、测试技能、自动化技术、调试技术、性能分析技能和架构技能)。
· 沟通技巧。酒香也怕巷子深,当前社会的特点是人多,人才多。如果能及时和有效地把想法、工作进展、期望都介绍给别人,不断加强沟通能力和演讲水平,就能得到比别人更多的关注。
· 人的技巧。包括团队协作、倾听的技巧、对其他人的敏感度、情商、社交技能等。
· 领导力。领导一个团队的一个铁律是“爱他们并引领他们”。如何提升领导力,现在市面上相关的书籍太多了,请择优阅读。
· 培训。请务必阅读书籍和期刊,扩大我们的知识面,参加有关讲座,研讨会,培训班和会议。利用频繁和广泛的内部讨论会和研究的介绍及外部会谈。
· 循序渐进。所谓“士别三日当刮目相看”,还有就是“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”。不要为一时的阻碍和停滞悲观失望,要想得到长足的发展,非得用时间来换不可。
· 在态度和信仰方面有很多好的书籍。当然,一般性的泛泛的阅读是不够的,除非已经事先明确了哪些态度是我们成功所必需的,然后有针对性地去学习,这种阅读才会有点用。了解那些不应该做的事情和不好的习惯,可以使我们尽量避免犯错误。还是那句话,气质、品质也不是一朝一夕的,多年的时间才能影响人的性格。
· 一些很重要的品质包括:热情、干劲、秩序、耐心、毅力、耐力、合作、谦虚、感恩、勇于承担风险和乐于赞赏他人。
· 一些非常熟练和有经验的人没有充分发挥他们的潜力,原因在于他们的性格上的弱点(不懂得尊重和赞赏他人,傲慢,幼稚的行为,不加控制的脾气,态度消极,自私,不容忍,不敏感)。认识到自己的弱点是改善人性格的第一步。如果有办法知道是因为这些缺点而错失过多个机会,就会下决心改变。
· 从现在开始选择几个认为自己有空间再去加强的美德,并选择几个自己认为有可能会改进的缺点,把对它们的提升和改进作为自己计划的一部分。
· 有些人失败,因为他们在工作任务和能力之间存在差距。建议永远不要夸大自己的能力,把自己放到一个自己无法胜任的地方去,不但耽误别人,更耽误自己。要明白这句话:做最好的自己,对自己诚实。
· 在选择工作和项目的时候要小心。有些工作只是看起来很美,或者完全是出于一种冲动和梦想。要防止被这些看起来很美的东西迷惑。这些东西最终是不会长久的。
· 要非常明确,明确得要能在纸上一条一条地罗列出来:在从事这项工作的时候和从事这项工作之后,我们的哪些技能能够得到怎样的提升。
· 最重要的是,拍了胸脯之后,从别人那里接受了某项工作或任务之后,一定要保质保量按期完成,不要让自己丧失信誉。
· 随着经验和水平的提高,主动去努力争取一些更大更重要的项目和工作。
· 选择一个正确的团队、选择一个正直的领导,这一点至关重要。
· 如果一个团队中存在严重的政治斗争和管理问题,赶紧离开,不要耽误自己。
· 对对方的工作表示赞赏和感激会极大地促进和谐团队的建设并大大提高团队的生产力。
· 非常及时地将工作的最新进展报告给经理,别让经理长时间得不到我们工作进展的任何消息,一旦他们开始担心,那可就不妙了。人与人之间的交流和信任很重要,只有保持沟通的顺畅,才能使得信任延续。
· 在做出决定之前,先得到经理的支持。
Tips for Successful Career Planning
You own your career and have the best interest in being successful. You need to be the main driver for planning your career and putting enough thought towards reaching your goals. Your managers can and should help and guide you in planning but they cannot be responsible for it. Here are some thoughts on six areas to advance and plan your career:
1. Vision and Long-term Goals
Developing a vision for yourself will help you determine a clear destination and direction. Avoiding detours that don' t help your overall career goals will help you reach your destination faster. It will help you make decisions about projects, jobs, and skills that will assist achieving your goals. Here are more tips to help long-term planning and the achievement of your goals:
· Developing expertise in a critical area that you are passionate about should be one of your long-term goals. Experts in key areas get the best assignments, enjoy their work more than others, and advance quickly in their careers.
· People become passionate about areas that they understand in great depth. It takes time to reach this level of depth.
· Grow expertise gradually. Every day counts!
· Improve your skills, execution of plans, and character (Attitude/Beliefs) incrementally to reach your goals - selecting the best projects and environment to aid in your growth.
· Your long-term plan needs short milestones to monitor your success against your goals.
· It is very rewarding to plan a challenging goal and reach it.
2. Plan/Execution
Once you have a vision, a plan, and short-term milestones, you need to passionately drive for results.
The short-term work items in your plan should go beyond the work goals and should include improving your skills. Solid execution means delivering reliably, creatively, and at very high quality. Developing your own standard of excellence helps significantly in developing your credibility and reputation. Here are more tips to help you in planning and execution:
· Execution is considered outstanding when it meets a challenging schedule or produces better than expected quality, product, or results.
· Success in long-term execution is not just about hard and creative high-quality work. To be successful long-term, one needs to:
1.Enjoy the work.
2.Maintain balance in work, life, family, and other areas competing for time and attention.
· As part of monitoring execution, it is good to revise your goals periodically to adjust your long-term goals.
· Delivering on your commitments and making things happen is a very enjoyable but difficult process. Many people have great ideas but they can' t get them implemented because of lack of discipline, detailed planning, and/or follow-up. This negatively impacts their careers.
· It is important to get the reputation of getting things done. This will make it easier for you to get the most important assignments and the resources to do them.
· Prioritize: Always keep a priority list of things you need to do and focus on the most important items.
· Planning: people who do successful planning for a large product or even a small meeting have one thing in common. They can think and visualize the different scenarios that might happen during the execution in great detail (this usually needs going over these scenarios in great detail with persistence and patience).
3. Skills
Advancing your technical, communication, people, and leadership skills is essential to getting interesting assignments and advancing your career. Skills might take years to develop. Therefore, people who put off the improvement of their skills are impacting the type of assignments that are given or can be selected. Here are tips about some of the skills you need:
· Technical Skills - Work on advancing your technical skills with every project and assignment (development skills, testing skills, automation skills, debugging skills, performance analysis skills, and architectural skills) to reach your overall goals.
· Communication Skills - Sharpen your communication and presentation skills to increase visibility of your ideas and your impact on others. The most important characteristic for leadership is good communication.
· People Skills - These are essential skills for individual contributors as well as leads. This includes team-work, listening skills, sensitivity to others, emotional intelligence, social skills, …
· Leadership skills - These skills are essential for leads and managers. There are many good books to read in this area, as well as courses offered by the Management Development Group. A golden rule in leading a team is “Love them and lead them”. Also, you need to have distinguishing technical and/or personality attributes for people to follow you (you can' t depend on authority alone).
· Training - Make sure you read books and journals and expand your knowledge by attending relevant talks, seminars, courses, and conferences. Take advantage of the frequent and wide-ranging internal seminars and research presentations as well as external talks (e.g. University of Washington).
· Incremental Progress - Expand your skills and expertise incrementally. It is amazing to see the difference in skills and progress achieved over several years as a result of the accumulation of persistent small improvements every day.
4. Character (Attitude and Beliefs)
Acquiring the right attitude and beliefs will give you energy and commitment to continue being productive. Attitude and beliefs develop as you gain confidence in your abilities and believe in your work. Here are some tips to improve your attitude and beliefs:
· There are excellent books in this area. Usually reading is not enough except in pointing out what attitudes you need for success, understanding the negative habits that are impacting you and others (so you can get rid of them), and recognizing why people around you are succeeding or failing. In a way, books will help understand actions and reactions of yourself and others. Only months and often years of practice can impact your character.
· There are so many attitudes and beliefs that are helpful for success. It is not easy to acquire new ones. Some important characteristics are passion, responsiveness, energy, discipline, patience, persistence, endurance, cooperation, modesty, expressing gratitude, taking risks, and appreciation of others.
· Some very skilled and experienced people don' t realize their full potential because of weaknesses in their character (no respect/appreciation for others, arrogance, childish behavior, uncontrolled temper, negative attitude, selfishness, intolerance, insensitivity, . etc). Realizing one' s weaknesses is the first step towards improving one' s character. If these people know how many opportunities they miss, they would have planned major changes to their behavior.
· Pick a few traits that you consider as your strengths so you can focus on polishing them. Also, pick a few weaknesses that you like to eliminate or improve. Work on your strengths and weaknesses as part of your development plan.
5. Projects (Assignments)
Selecting the projects you work on is important in reaching your short and long-term goals and in gaining the confidence and skills to do bigger and more important projects. If you have great ideas, you might be able to suggest a project to work on based on these ideas. You may not get some exciting projects until you prove you are reliable and have the skills to see a complete project through. A great project is the most important method to improve your planning, execution, skills, and character. Here are some tips about project selection:
· Some people fail in their projects because of the gap between what is required by a given project and the skills, character, execution, and planning capabilities they possess. Therefore, you need to understand your capabilities and be honest with others and yourself about what you can do.
· You need to determine how visible and important the project is that you are about to work on. Visible and important projects make a greater impact on your career. Interesting projects that have bad business plans are likely to be cancelled.
· You need to determine how the project will help your skills and your ability to work on interesting future projects.
· It is important if you start a mission, you take it to completion.
· As your experience improves, getting ownership of an important project is essential for progress and success.
· Leaders - Need to have an exciting vision and innovative ideas to energize themselves and their teams. It is essential for the long-term survival of their groups.
6. Environment (Team, Management, etc.)
Finally, some comments about the environment that you are working in:
· It is very important to be in the right team and have supporting management to reach your goals and achieve your maximum potential. You need to select a team that will challenge you, help you learn, and give you opportunities to grow.
· Avoid teams that have political infighting or have severe management problems. Working in these teams will only waste your time and energy.
· Appreciation and gratitude expressed from the managers and the team members to each other creates a very healthy and productive environment.
· Communicate closely with your manager about your progress, your challenges, your career, your rating…etc. This removes any possible misunderstanding about your deliverables. Frequent one-on-ones are the best method for tracking and revising short-term and long-term milestones and goals. There should be few surprises on review time.
· Manager' s Support - Ask your manager of what support is needed to reach your goals.
I would like to thank Rob Short, Kristen Blanck, RezaB and other leads for commenting on an early draft of the memo.