Working with others

One goal for our Yoga site is to sell related products and services. As a matter of fact, that's going to be our primary source of income. How will we get product and service information? We can either go to individual vendor sites to pick information from there, or we can give a tool to vendors to upload their product information on our site.

We also want our customers to be updated with the latest news, articles, and products we post on the site. Our users could visit our site frequently to check for updates, but frankly, we want something easier than that. Updating users regularly makes it effortless for our users to find the latest about us.

In both these cases, we will need to work out some methods that are standards-based, making it easier for us and the vendors, or users, to interoperate. An upload inventory using Excel CSV file feature for vendors and a subscribe to news using RSS feed feature for users will do the trick.


What are standards?

Standards are commonly agreed practices and methods of doing things. Using a commonly known and accepted technology or tool makes it easier for both developers and end users. For example, HTML is a standard language to create web sites. Whenever you think about integrating your CMS with someone else's system, ensure that you follow common standards.

Now is a good time to look at such requirements and list down how we will implement them.