- GB 50372-2006 炼铁机械设备工程安装验收规范 (英文版)
- 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
- 142字
- 2021-03-31 18:17:07
7.9 Commissioning of Vertical Detecting Device
7.9.1 The commissioning of vertical detecting device shall meet the following requirements:
1 The drive unit shall run without rod for at least 30min in respectively in positive and reverse direction without abnormal noise or vibration.
2 The drive unit shall be regulated at"zero"point with rod according to the design documents and the allowable deviation is±20mm.
3 The travel limit of the rod at all stop positions shall meet the requirements in the design documents.
4 The rod shall travel from the standby position to the depth probing position for at least 3 times.The act shall be flexible and reliable.
5 The wirerope on the windlass drum shall not be less than 3 circles when the rod lowers to the extreme position of depth probing.
Check method:observe,measure and check the commissioning records.